Friday, March 11, 2011

What careers are available for a person with a Social Sciences degree with a concentration in psychology?

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by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center

Question by : What careers are available for a person with a Social Sciences degree with a concentration in psychology?

I am currently in community college as a Human Services major. I chose this major because job placement through the school seemed like a possibility. Now I'm considering switching my major to social sciences with a concentration in psychology so I can then go on to get my bachelor's degree. Does anybody have any good advice on what the courses are like? What kind of colleges have a Bachelor's Degree in social sciences? What type of career would that lead me to?

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you

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Answer by Michelynn
I have a bachelors in Psychology, and the jobs there aren't good. I had a couple of job interviews with mental health facilities, and the type of jobs I was interviewing paid maybe in the mid 20K's a year, lots of overtime without pay for it and crappy work. Like helping the people who are mentally ill that are bad enough to need help, but not bad enough for inpatient care, I would have been checking up on them to make sure they were taking their meds, finding social functions for them, keeping in touch with their employers to make sure they were doing their job, and if you get a phone call from a patient, no matter if its the middle of the night, you have to go to them.
Another job I interviewed for was very similiar, except it was working with the town's very poor people I guess you could say. Making sure they were doing ok, family was gettting along, that kind of thing. And once again, the person that interviewed me said" if you get a call in the middle of the night and its in the ghetto, you have to go". I was like, great, sounds fun. Luckily I didn't get either job and ended up with something much better that doesn't even have anything to do with Psychology.
I love Psych, I would still love to go on in school and get my masters at least, if not doctorate in Clinical Psych. And thats what you will be looking at doing if you want a Psych career, go as far as you can in school.
Bachelors degrees Psych programs teach you the methods and theories behind Psych. You will have classes and electives in Child Psych, Adolescent, Abnormal Psych, Physiological Psych, Theories and Methods, some intro into counseling, but never enough to go out and do it afterwards. You won't have any thesis or internship b/c they EXPECT you to go on to grad school. Its more an introduction to Psychology.
Hope this helped!

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